Nov 2, 2009

Hair: A Dilemma

Ok, this week is finally haircut week. I can't decide what to do with the old hair. I was growing it out for a long time, for the wedding. It is finally to the point where it is a "good long" length, instead of an "in-between" length. Now however, I am tired of it. So, I put it out to you blog readers. What should I do with my hair!?

Hair now: Long, usually curly, blondish... please ignore Seth's face in this picture...

What should I do? What do you like/hate?

Brown hair? This was me last fall/winter....not sure if I like the color on me or not...

Or, this color, kind of reddish?

Or I could go back to VERY blonde...

What about bangs? Bangs? (ps how awesome is this ugly picture of Timms & I?)

Or no bangs?

ps- Seth is begging me to keep it long. How much should this weigh into my decision?!


  1. I vote keep growing it out because you've already made it this far; why not? Plus, I'm growing mine out too and misery loves company. And I like your color right now. No bangs.

  2. You are gorgeous, no matter how you slice it! I love all the looks. --Kellee

  3. I like long and blonde and if you do bangs I like the sort of longish bangs that sweep over. There's my 2 cents!

  4. if having bangs means you look anything like the ugliest picture I've seen of myself in years, I think that means no bangs. I also say no bangs, because you are prone to over-think and freak out about them.

    I like what your hair is doing now. The length is good, and it's super adorable. but i get needing a change. I vote... maybe that redish brown?

  5. my vote is long-ish, very blonde, and no bangs
