Nov 30, 2009

The Forgetful One

Last night Seth and I went over to our friend's house to watch a movie. We rented "Funny People". I won't say much about the movie - but it was LOOOOONG! Two and half hours for a mediocre movie is just too much. It did have it's funny moments though.

When the movie FINALLY ended I was ready to go home. It was around 11:00 and I was tired and ready to go to bed. So, as usual, I get off the couch and say "Come on babe, lets go."

And as usual, Seth stays sitting on the couch and doesn't move.

I proceed to put on my shoes, put on my coat and grab my purse.

Seth still doesn't move.

This happens EVERY TIME we watch a movie at a friend's. I am ready to go, sometimes out the door, and he hasn't even stood up yet. I have to drag him out. Usually he is just tired and lazy.

So I say to Seth, "Can you pleeeeease just get up? Can we not do this tonight?" Obviously I was grouchy and tired.

Seth proceeds to jump up and spends the next 4-5 minutes saying something like this....

"You never have to wait for me! What are you talking about!? Look how fast I can get ready (puts on his coat) see.... I'm ready! Done! Come on, lets go! Man you are such a slave driver....I am totally ready. Wow- that didn't take me long at all..."

You get the idea.

Britney & Sean were laughing, Seth was laughing, I was laughing (and rolling my eyes).

We get in the car and start our drive home. Seth is going off about how I make a big deal out of this. It OBVIOUSLY doesn't take him long to put on his shoes and coat, he can be ready to go in seconds...blah blah blah....

Next thing we know, my cell phone rings. Right when I answer I hear "Seth forgot his phone, wallet and keys" just as Seth simultaneously says, "Oh, I left my phone."

Obviously getting ready to go home that quickly was just TOO difficult for Seth to handle.

I turned my car around, annoyed, but laughing hysterically because I just proved my point.

Seth laughed so hard that he almost threw up. You know Seth's high pitched laugh? Yep, that one, a lot of it.

After he got his wallet, keys and phone (thanks Brit for walking it out to us...because if he walked inside I would have sat in your driveway for 10 minutes) Seth says to me, "Are you SURE that you really love me?"

Yep - I do. If I had $1 for every time you left your phone, keys or wallet somewhere, I would be a rich woman.


  1. Tee hee! Oh Seth. We love you and your ways. And your high pitched laugh.

  2. Well, at least you'll (and we'll) never suffer from lack of entertainment! :)

  3. Hahahaha... I can just hear you guys going through this dialog. The best is that I can hear the laugh too. Thanks for the giggle :)

  4. Hahahahaha! That is so Seth! And why we like Seth!
