I am very excited to plan these events. I think it is a great way to get to know the state of Idaho. It's a great way to get to know the community and to really jump in and get my feet wet. I am a fairly new cyclist so the bike tour is the most appealing to me.
However I do have to say that I feel like my life is spinning out of control. I sit for hours at work every day and wonder not only WHEN I am going to respond to the 110 emails sitting in my inbox - but HOW. I have so much still to learn, to navigate and to figure out about this job before I can do anything. I also panic because my first walk - and my biggest walk (2,000 walkers)- is in less than 6 weeks. The girl before me wasn't organized in the same way I am used to. I can't find an event binder from last year's walk - etc. So everything takes a long time. Plus, did I mention that my supervisor offices in Montana? And that my boss offices in Wyoming? Yep. I can't just walk down the hall and ask a million questions. I have one coworker (who i love) but that's it. And she is in charge of programs, not fundraising.
and lunching stories with Scott Hamilton would have made for a mighty fine blog. But NO! I refused to do it if I couldn't attach my pictures. It just pissed me off too much.
This is the new story of my life. Even the simple tasks have become too much for Becky.
By the time I get home at night I am exhausted. Mentally exhausted and feeling completely overwhelmed. I find myself not wanting to exercise - cook dinner - do laundry - or organize our office. All I want to do is sleep and watch tv - and sister - that ain't good.
He is working long hours and trying to keep afloat as well. He has crazy patients that pester him for narcotics - which he doesn't give into (love you babe!) and he has do look at really nasty STDs on really big scary guys -and I am complaining about a lack of an event binder!?
Oh my gosh! They are my two favorites too!