Oct 28, 2009

To Move Or Not To Move?

I don't have a clever idea for a blog today. I feel like all my friends blogged about the first snow, and how they introduced their adorable babies to snow for the first time. Whatever, no cute baby to put in a puffy coat...sadly... maybe someday soon but not now!

I woke up a little bit grumpy, my carpal tunnel hurts, and I miss my husband.

It's true. I mean, how could you not miss this cute face? Mind you, it's been less than 1 day and I realize this. Wow, do I sound like a newly wed or what?

Seth's in Tacoma for another job interview and apparently once again being wined and dined. Well, not dined, but his hotel room did have fruit and cheese waiting for him when he got there. I can't help but feel a little bit bitter about this because that sounds great. Sadly, we accrue our time off at work and I don't have the time to take. Lame.

I feel like all I talk about lately, think about, or worry about is our "limbo" status. Everyone wants updates on where we stand, so here you go. Truthfully I am tired of talking about it.

1. Corvallis - Like I mentioned before we loved the place but are not sure about the job. We were notified that Seth is in the final 2 and they are making a decision by Friday. Yikes! We aren't saying no, but we aren't saying yes for sure. Cross your fingers. I have looked at houses there and we could afford a place like this. So cute! Sorry the picture is fuzzy.

2. Minneapolis - I like to say Minneapolis because it sounds so much cooler than Minnesota. Seth interviewed at a clinic outside of Minneapolis and they really like him. They want to hire him. It is a top option for us, but we aren't 100% on it yet. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to live there until I saw this...

Those of you who know me know that I love big cities (especially my boyfriend New York, who I became obesessed with because of Sex and the City). This looks awesome. Plus, if we live there I can wear this...
Awesome. I would become a vikings fan! Whenever they score I would blow one of these...

It's the little things in life people.

We already have been snooping for houses there and found a most precious yellow house that we love. Oh, and one other BIG plus about Minneapolis is working for the Make-A-Wish chapter there. They have an opening for a position that I am VERY qualified for. So that would be great. I applied yesterday, just to be safe. How cool would that be to walk into a job for an organization that I love?

3. Tacoma - Tacoma feels like a long shot. Apparently licensing takes like 3 months there so Seth may not be able to start working for a long time. Also, the cost of living in that area is crazy. BUT, it's near my 2nd favorite city, Seattle. Sigh, Seattle. Look how amazing it is...

I really wouldn't mind living in such a beautiful place. Oh no, not at all. Plus I could easily find a cool nonprofit job there.

4. Montana - Havre, Montana is near the Canadian border. I think there are 11,000 people there. They are very interested in Seth. This place makes me more nervous than any place. What would I do there? Would we make friends? Would people have any desire to visit us? The perk here is that for the first 2 years you work there, they will pay off $25,000 of our student loans...per year. That's $50,000 on top of his salary. Um, I think I could almost live anywhere for 2 years. Except Texas, or Florida. Cause all the crazies live there. It's true.

5. Utah - There are still a couple of options in Utah. We are waiting to hear back from a family practice in Bountiful, as well as an oncology job at LDS hospital. There are a lot of perks to living here. First, family. Second, friends. Third, my amazing Make-A-Wish job. Fourth, Seth's house. We won't be disappointed if we end up here by any means. It would be kind of nice. BUT the thought of moving away from Utah for the first time in my life is really exciting.

So that's that people. Those are our options. I am really tired of NOT knowing. Hopefully we will know in about 2 weeks what we are going to be doing.
Sometimes it feels good to just put it on paper, or should I say "sometimes it feels good to just put it on the blog."


  1. Becky my dear, limbo status sucks. I hope for your sake that you get to move somewhere new and exciting. But I hope for my sake that you'll stay here.

  2. For some reason I read "newly wed" as "newby wed," like it was some weird term you coined.

    And then I read the "sake" in Meili's comment as saké, as in the Japanese alcoholic beverage.

    What's wrong with my brain?

  3. I would visit you in any of those places, but perhaps I might be more inclined to visit you more frequently in some places than in others. The Twin Cities are fantastic, by the way. I've been there a couple times, and I really loved it. Yould could handle the cold---even love it---and that's the only thing holding me back from that lovely liberal city. :)
