Nov 6, 2009

The OCD Me!

For those of you who know me, you know that I am pretty OCD. Yes, it's true. I am pretty sure that it stems from the crazy Italian women in my family.

Not to mention any names... you know who you are...

I personally think it adds character! The above women have been known to do the following:
  • Lysol wipe their toilet seats every day before leaving the house.

  • Put everything in tupperware and use a label maker to label everything.

  • Shine all the faucets in the house before going to bed at night.
Me however, I am a slightly different breed. Here are some things that make me crazy.

1. Candy eating: It is nearly impossible for me to grab a handful of candy and stick it in my mouth. No no no. First, all candy must be sorted into colors (or flavors). Second, I must eat the bad colors/flavors first. Third, I like to have even numbers of candy in my mouth. So I can have certain pieces on each side. It's sad. I know. ps-i love how perfectly the image below represents my own personal crazy. Just so you know, in this case I would eat the purple ones, then the green, moving onto bananas, oranges and finally the pink/red ones. I hate the new colors in runts by the way. Pisses me right off.

2. Night time routine: Oh guys this is a bad one for me. It really is. Anyone that has ever slept at my house, gone on vacation with me, etc...knows this. First, I MUST wash my face every night. I maybe miss washing my face 3-4 times a year. Also, I must brush my teeth. Then, I have to have my bed in perfect "sleeping condition". I sleep with 4 pillows and a body pillow. They all must be in the perfect position on my bed. Oh, and I can't go to sleep when I have a messy room. Every extra pillow on my bed has its place on my floor. Clothes are put away, even the picture frames and such have to be in the right position. Pathetic, I know.

3. The Perfect Bite: I also have this OCD thing with the perfect bite. This is especially bad with sandwiches, hamburgers, etc. When I order one I always rearrange my sandwich. I have to have the perfect amount of pickles, and they must be spread out. I often remove some of the meat, or the bread (waste of calories), also I can't stand chunks of lettuce. I have to ensure that every bite has a balanced amount of veggies, meat, cheese and bread.

4. Work Habits- I have a little notebook in which I write down EVERYTHING that I need to do with work. It can be something as complicated as "Find a $25,000 sponsor for the gala" or as simple as "file Dave's check into golf binder". This I think makes me a better employee because most of the time, I don't forget to do things. It brings me a lot of pleasure to be able to cross things off my list. Sometimes I can't get any work done if there is a pile of stuff on my desk. I sort it, add things to my list and then put it in my tray. It always feels so good to get going on "my list".

You should know certain things about my list though (to prove how crazy I am).

  • I choose a color ink for the "notebook" and stick to it. Oh man, you won't see blue ink, black ink and pencil in my notebooks. Oh no no no! I pick and stick people.

  • I choose another color for my "cross off" ink, which is usually a sharpie. I stick to that as well.

  • You should also know that i don't scribble, or doodle. Never have, never will. My school notes were always perfection.

  • I make notes on the left of the note book, and keep the list on the right. For example "call Seven Peaks" would be on the right. The left would say "left message 11/4 at 11:23 am" or "emailed 11/4 and 11:23 am". Hell, at least I know right?

  • I always save my notebooks. I almost cried when I left Christmas Box House and threw them away.

Here is an actual picture of my current notebook...

5. Money: I always know how much money I have in my account. I keep all of my receipts from every debit purchase and I balance my checkbook every day. Seriously, every day. I keep my register up to date and put a check mark next to the transaction once it clears. This means I check my online banking every day. I also pay my bills the day I am paid. It doesn't matter if it's an online payment that won't process for 10 days. In my opinion that money is gone on pay day.

Ok, this list is starting to depress me. It depresses me because this could easily go on and on. It also depresses me because I realize that nearly all of my blogs are numbered. What the?

So I put it to you dear readers, what else do I do? You all pick up on things more than I do. Feel free to mock me for it or fill me in on how YOU are OCD.

ps-on a side note, going to Minnesota tomorrow! Woot woot! VERY last minute trip. And by last minute I mean, Seth decided this at 6:00 am. Going to check out the scene, HOPEFULLY stop by Make-A-Wish there, meet the docs and get a job offer? Mid-west here we come!

pss- Thanks Matt & Whitney for the Jazz tickets last night! We killed the Spurs, who we normally lose to. You all have me to thank. They felt my love last night and played well. I think you guys should start a fund to help me get to as many games as possible. Very important. Very very important. Go Jazz!


  1. woah - quite the list lady but I have no room to talk - I do the candy thing and the sandwich thing (it's not a sandwich if I only bite into bread), I have to check my doors at night in order and touch each one - it is not good enough to just see that the door is locked I have to touch the door. if I have a pencil or pen on my desk the ink/lead part can not be pointing at me I have to turn them so they are pointing the opposite direction. OK we'll stop there for now ... oh wait one more that I have been really trying to not do - I alphabetize colors - if you are wearing more than 3 colors I will alphabetize them - and it it's a silver/clear or I'm not sure which color it would be I will do it once with each color - billboards, clothes, cars, etc - ok now I'm done I'm crazy!

  2. I love quirky OCD Becky. You are crazy, girl, and the best! I did not know the extent of the candy issue... very interesting.
    I'm interested to hear what Minneso-ta is like. Take some photos!

  3. Ha, I love/miss you OCD Beck. Wasn't that game great? You're right, it's about time the Jazz beat the Spurs. -Molls

  4. What about walking on checkered linoleum? I have an extremely hard time in grocery stores. What if my left foot touches more black squares than my right? What if my right foot lands halfway between a black and white square? Then I have to do the same thing on the other foot to even it out....

    Also, I am an obsessive door locker. My automatic car-lockers on my keychains always fall apart...

  5. HA HA HA Jenna! I haven't heard that one. Hilarious.
