Oct 7, 2009

Scorpions and Why I Am An Awesome Wife

Seth made a good point when he indicated that for a blog titled "My Life as a Youkstetter" I haven't mentioned nearly enough about Seth & I. So, this one is for you babe.

Last week I was a stress case. Sometimes when I am stressed I try and do something productive. This often leads to cleaning rampages or the creation of lists. That night I decided to tackle some more wedding thank you notes. So I crawled into bed next to Seth and started writing. Seth, on the other hand, was enjoying his "one show".... Fringe. It should be noted that while Seth only has 1 show, I have at least 6....so there's that. Fringe is a newer show on Fox, a crime-drama of sorts but with a sci-fi twist. Definitely not my cup of tea, but Seth loves it.

I wasn't paying much attention to the plot but I do know this...it involved some killer part human, part scorpion creature that would grab people into holes in the ground, and kill them. Riveting...I know. I turned to Seth and said, "Wait a minute, this reminds me a lot of Tremors!"

You remember Tremors right? That awesome 80s movie about these large worm looking killer monsters that lived underground? I always thought that movie was so cool because the only safety they could find was on their roof tops. And roof tops are cool when you are 10...as is Kevin Bacon's hair in that movie.

Anyway, back to the story.... The episode ended soon after that and we decided to go to bed. Seth did mention how "creepy" Fringe could be and then we fell asleep.

Skip ahead to 5:30 am the next morning. I wake up because Seth is shaking next to me. He would shake, and then stop, shake hard again, and then stop. I woke him up and said "Honey, are you having a nightmare?" The following conversation took place.

Seth: What? Oh yes, I was having a nightmare.

Me: What about?

Seth: I was dreaming about these giant flying scorpions chasing me.

Me: Oh ya?

Seth: Ya, and I kept trying to get away but they wouldn't leave me alone. You know how sometimes bugs just won't leave you alone?

Me: (trying not to laugh) Yes, I know how bugs can be like that. So what finally got them to go away?

Seth: You came along and got them to chase you instead.


Me: Well, that's just the kind of wife I am.

Seth then snuggled into me and fell right back to sleep. The best part is that when my alarm went off a couple hours later, Seth recalled the dream, but he didn't recall that I was the one that saved him for the horrendous flying scorpions!

And that my friends is why I am an awesome wife. No one messes with my man....


  1. Too, too funny. You are most definitely an awesome wife.

    :-) Kellee

  2. Did I tell you about how I found a scorpion (dead) in the bottom of my dishwasher about a month ago? I think we can both agree that you would have chased the scorpion into a giant dishwasher to clean that dirty beast.
