Oct 5, 2009

My Sister, the Rock Star!

This past weekend I drove down to St. George to see my sister run in her first marathon. Marathons are hard you guys. Like, ridiculously hard. 26.2 miles should not be an ok distance to run. However, lots of us think that we need to do them at least once in our lives.

Here's a picture of me running my first (and only) marathon in 2005.
I thought I was going to die. This was at about mile 23. Seth said to me "Babe keep running you only have 3 miles to go!" I remember wanting to cry (probably did) and thinking "you have GOT to be kidding me. I can't do it. I can't run 3 more miles!" But I did. I finished in 6 freaking hours, but I finished. I do want to say however, that my knee was bad. After about mile 8 I was in pain. So, I could have done better. I really wish that I would have had a good experience with my marathon, but I just didn't. But what the hell, at least I can say that it is something that I did.

Before the marathon I couldn't run a mile without stopping. But, it was Spring, I had just seperated from my ex husband and decided, what the hell....and began training. It was really good for me. It helped me channel some emotion and anger into something other than my divorce. It was very therapeutic. I am so glad that I did it.

Ok, moving on to the awesomeness of my post. My sister. This is how SHE looked after running 26.2 miles.

See how happy she is? I am so proud of her. She was smiling and laughing as she crossed the finish line. ROCK FREAKING STAR!

Now for those of you who don't know my sister...let me just say...this was her in the Summer of 2006. (I hope she doesn't kill me for posting this)

Shortly after this time my amazing sister decided that she wanted to lose some weight. And she did. I mean, a lot of weight.

Heather lost her weight the right way. No funny pills, no fad diets, no crazy gimmicks...she lost it through diet and exercise. I am not sure the exact pounds lost but I am thinking it is between 110-120 pounds. She worked her ass off (literally) and began to change her life.

My sister is my hero. She is an inspiration to me every single day. She has fought and fought to become who she is today. It has been amazing to watch her transform. She now bikes, runs, freaking does triathalons, etc.

I am so happy for her. I am so happy for her HUGE accomplishment on Saturday. She was up and walking when I was sleeping and limping after my marathon. She was all smiles. Sis, I promise I will do another marathon with you....

But only the New York Marathon.....

So we better try our luck....

You are my hero! Thanks for being one of my best friends and CERTAINLY one of my biggest inspirations. Love you!


  1. I am very proud of Heather too. However, I think she may be crazy. No human should feel that happy after that much running. Wahoo Heather! Great job! Ashes

  2. What a great tribute to your sister. As someone who has never, ever run an entire mile without stopping, I am awed by both of you and your amazing accomplishments! -- Kellee

  3. 1. Sisters are the best. Really, the best.
    2. Great job to both of you for running marathons. I'm guessing I would die if I attempted this feat.
    3. I had no idea you were married before.
    4. You and your sister are so cute, and I love how much you look alike.
    5. I am still very happy that you have a blog.
    6. Sometimes when you have a bunch of random things to say, numbered comments are the only way to go.
