Oct 13, 2009

Swine Flu Terror!

Guys, the Swine Flu is here!!!

Seriously, it's here.

And I am scared.

Have you ever had the full-on flu? I am not talking about the times you feel sick, or achy, or feverish...I mean influenza! Well I have, and it is NOT fun. I had two different strains at once, Influenza A and Influenza B. I have never been so sick. I was literally in bed for 10 days. It was terrible. I have had pneumonia twice, gastritis, etc...but never felt as bad as I did when I had the flu. The only relief that I found was when I took a bath, but even then I had to rest my head on the side of the tub. I was that sick. It was terrible.

So, it is no surprise that when the Swine Flu hysteria hit, I was hysterical. It's true, I was hysterical. I started washing my hand compulsively. I was posting all about it on Facebook, I was glued to NPR, etc. I was freaked out about this.

Let me tell you how my lovely friends at Make-A-Wish responded to my hysteria.

This was probably during the first 2 weeks of the outbreak. We were discussing as a staff what we could do to make sure that we were prepared if any of us (or our wish families) became infected. It's important that we keep a clean building because our wish kids come here with really terrible immune systems and we didn't want to cause any problems.

Back to the story...

Every morning we have a small meeting in our workroom. It usually lasts just 5-10 minutes and pretty much gives everyone a chance to talk about what they have going on that day. Well, this particular morning, I was late (which I never am). I walked straight into the workroom to find all of the staff members wearing masks.

My first reaction was that this was a joke. In fact I said sarcastically "Oh, phew! Thank goodness! Now we are safe!"

No one laughed.

Then, Christine said, "No, Becky, this is real. The Health Department came by this morning. We had a wish family here last night that just came back from Mexico. As a precaution they want us to wear these masks."

I believed them.

Why wouldn't I believe them!? They all kept a straight face...ok not true they were all smiling under their masks but I obviously couldn't see them.

I quickly grabbed my mask and put it on. For the next 3 hours I wore the damn thing. I wore it at my desk. It was uncomfortable, I felt short of breath, etc. I wanted to take it off buy everytime an office member would walk by me, they had on their mask. I didn't want to put anyone at risk!

By lunch time my lovely coworkers couldn't hold it in any longer. They told me it was all a joke. Apparently they started an email chain talking about how they wanted to "get Becky". Krachel's husband brought home the masks and they were all in on it.

I totally got punk'd by Make-A-Wish.

And that is why I:
1). Am scared of Swine Flu (totally desperate for my vaccine)
2). Love my co-workers.

But don't worry, I totally deserved it. I got Frank and Mike about a year before, so this was my payback.

Yes, that is some of their office supplies in Jell-O.


  1. You do know there are a lot of swine in Oregon, right? Sorry, I guess you can't move there! :)

  2. I remember that day with the masks, but I never knew it was a joke. Ha!

  3. so... here's a quote i just read.

    The swine flu had killed 263 people in the US as of July 10, 2009. Regular flu kills 36,000 each year. Smoking kills 440,000 each year. We should be far more afraid of cigarettes than of swine flu.


  4. Okay, this post is hilarious. I love the people at MAW.

    And also, are you not watching Dexter right now? You're waiting until next year? We must remedy this! When you suggested we watch together, I was thinking we'd need to do it at your house since we don't have Showtime, but it sounds like you don't either! Let me know if you want me to get you the episodes. Danny just puts them on a flash drive every week for his cousin Ryan, and we could do the same for you.

  5. Dear Jenny,

    I love you. Don't have Showtime and desperately need to watch. Please help!

    Love Becky
