Oct 21, 2009

10 Things I am Loving Right Now

This post is dedicated to some of the things that make me happy right now.

1. Free vacations! Seth and I had the chance to go to Corvallis, Oregon over the weekend for a job interview. It was awesome. Free flight, free 2-bedroom Hilton hotel, free meals that cost nearly $200. AND we spent some time going to the Oregon Coast. We love Corvallis! It was beautiful, it was quaint, it was charming...but the job...maybe not so perfect. Time will tell if we'll end up in our Oregon paradise.

2. Dexter. Guys, if you aren't watching Dexter, you are crazy. Seth and I don't have Showtime but we rent the seasons. Season 4 just started and I have to say, it's good. Dexter is a hot serial killer who MAY just be creeping into my top 5 (to be discussed on another blog post). The show is funny, quirky and creepy and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Please watch. I beg of you.

3. Carving Pumpkins - holy crap I love this. The SMELL alone is enough to make me smile. I love sticking my hands in and pulling all the seeds out. I love roasting the seeds too. But I don't love CARVING them. So really #3 should say "Cleaning out pumpkins for other people to carve". That would be more appropriate.

4. Babies. No, I am not pregnant but the babies in my life are killing me right now. They are so damn cute and they make me happy. Check out my ridiculously cute nephews Oscar and Drex.

And my dear friend Meili's baby Calvin, who has the brightest eyes and the sweetest smile around.
Finally there is Daniel. I love this kid and I don't see him nearly enough. I love his sweet voice and his hilarious personality. Thank you friends and family for having so many cute baby boys that I can be happy about.

5. Peppermint creamer. I am not lying. This is one of those things that you can only find from October-January and I love it. Every morning I roll over, angry that it is time to wake up, and then I remember....coffee with peppermint creamer and happily get out of bed. It is great. You may think it's stupid but it's not. Cause I drink something that looks like this (that's a lie, no whipped cream and no sprinkles but it tastes good).

6. Glee. Wow, 2 of the things in this list are tv shows. Glee is something that makes me so happy. Wednesdays are great days because of Glee. Are you guys watching? The songs are awesome, the humor is hilarious, the subjects are touching (gay teens coming out to their parents...good stuff). Anyways, again you should be watching if you aren't. It's just that good.

8. Steve Colbert. Crap! Another TV reference! I can't help it. I love Colbert. I love his satire. I love how much he has been making fun of Glenn Beck (aka...the silver gopher). I love his perspective. I love that when he introduces guests he runs up to the stage and waves. Anyway, love you Colbert and your awesome Colbert Report...but I mainly love you making fun of the Silver Gopher.

Totally the silver gopher right? Please do not buy this book.

9. The Utah Jazz! Oh, I love the beginning of the season when I can claim that I love the Jazz. I do. This year is their year! (again, not true but a girl can dream right?). I love you Okur, I love you Andre, and I love you Deron. I don't love you Boozer....

Here's too a good season!

10. Last but not least, Seth. I love being married to this guy. I love how snuggly he is. I love his high-pitched laugh, I love his fritas voice. I love how patient he is being right now and how hard he is working to find the best job and location for us. Love you babe! You are what I love above all right now. It's true, I love you more than peppermint creamer and Memot Okur. :)

Stay tuned for 10 things I hate...coming later. This is my "positive post" of the week.


  1. Becky, we are so alike. I'm reading this post thinking, "I like that too" and "Oh, something else I like too." I need you to catch up on Dexter so we can chat! I almost fell off my bed at the end of episode 4 because I was so shocked at what happened (although episode 1 had a pretty freaking awesome cliffhanger too). I love that show! I really hope the Jazz go all the way this year. Seriously, there is nothing like a Jazz playoff game. Nothing. Random fact: this past summer, we stopped our car at a crosswalk on a Sunday in Salt Lake to let some people cross, and it just happened to be Deron Williams and his family crossing the street. I'm such a dweeb, but I was excited about it for the rest of the day. Also, I am not-so-secretly hoping that Seth gets a local job so you stay close (although I LOVE Oregon, and it would be an awesome place to live). There is your novel comment for the day.

  2. Aw, thanks for your reference to my little guy. He loves you too. I love Glee. I love Starbucks peppermint hot chocolate in the winter. And I love this post. There's lots of love going around.

    I'm excited to read your hate list too.

  3. Hate list! Hate list! Hate list!

    (p.s. the "please do not buy this book" part was my favorite.)

  4. I found THAT book on my parents' kitchen table. I started flipping out but soon discovered that it was my brother in-law's. Figures.

    Thank you for reminding me that I need more Colbert in my life.
