Sep 29, 2009

Thurl is not Barry

Working for a nonprofit is great. There are some days that I leave at the end of the day with a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that I somehow helped a child. Other days, I leave work crying because I can't handle any more sad news, sad stories or frustration. Every day I am grateful for the amazing kids I meet, and volunteers that I work with.

Somedays are not so good. Working for a nonprofit usually means working long hours for less pay than you would in the private sector. Working for a nonprofit means that some days you may be calling to ask for $15,000 while other days you may be painting the building, or sorting donations, or counting duckies...
Today was one of those ugh days. I had the opportunity to set up a couple booths about Make-A-Wish at two different events. I won't bore you with the details but lets just say it was 5 hours, with the goal of having some state employees sign up to donate to Make-A-Wish through payroll deductions. Me, and representatives from about 20 other charities lugged our displays, literature and handouts into a dull room and set up our 6 foot tables with stuff. Employees slowly started to file into the room and did what they could to avoid us. I know that people have good intentions and want people to feel like they are really making a difference. I really think most people feel annoyed by us. I had people casually walk by, I would say "Hello" or "Good morning!" without as much as a smile in return. And so I sat, for 2 hours. Luckily I spent some time writing wedding thank you notes while being avoided.

Then, it was time to move to the Hilton for event number two!

I had the option of going into the ballroom for a "program" and lunch but opted to stay out in the hallway with my booth and read. I figured I would just eat when I got back to the office (who likes hotel food anyway? Even my Smart One is better than bad chicken and rice).

Little did I know that the event had Thurl Bailey as the keynote speaker.

People love this guy! I mean who wouldn't!? Look at that beautiful aura that surrounds him! We had Thurl come to a Christmas Box House event years ago (I totally have a picture of me with him from this event, but I wouldn't know where to find it). Make-A-Wish had him host an event for them years ago...people love this guy.

I know he's nice but I am not a big fan. I was relieved to be out in the hall after his speech went at least 30 minutes longer than it should have. Not only was I hungry but I knew that once people got out, they would head straight back to the office because the event ran longer than it should have. So I was already annoyed...

And then he started singing...

Oh man....

It's not good guys....

I mean really not good....

I tried to imbed the video of him singing as Goliath but sadly I couldn't get it to work. Sad for you...really.

Thurl seriously? You are not Barry White. Just sayin'.


  1. Yes he is absolutely the worst thing ever! At the MAW event I wanted to die when he started singing some love song. Come on we are at a Charity Event dude....sorry you had to go through it.

  2. I was at that event! Our entire table was trying hard not to laugh.
