Sep 24, 2009

On Being a Youkstetter

People keep asking me if it feels different to be married. Truthfully after being with Seth for 4&1/2 years I certainly didn't expect it to feel different. However, it does. I felt the difference immediately. It feels secure, it feels loving, and above all, it feels good.

Seth & I have been through a lot through the years. We endured a lot of baggage coming into this relationship (mainly from me). We Somehow endured 2 years of long distance with Seth in Idaho and me in Utah. We endured many 5 hour drives to and from Boise. We made it through 2 graduate programs, new jobs and many moves. We learned how to love and how to make ourselves vunerable. We have questioned our faith, we have questioned our love and we questioned our decisions. Mainly, we learned that love often takes a leap of faith and I am so glad we took it.

If there is one thing that I have learned, it is how being a Youkstetter is FUNNY. Seth has nearly made me pee my pants about 4 times since we have been married. I figure laughing that much can't be anything but a good thing.

Thus begins "My Life As A Youkstetter". I hope to keep you laughing as I relay my experience with my life with Seth. I hope to keep you as a reader when I find the need to vent about political issues that I am passionate about. I hope to bring some emotion and tears when I pass on some of the amazing stories I witness in my line of work. Above all, I hope to keep you entertained!


  1. Hooray for the Becky Blog! It can't be anything but a good thing...

  2. I want to cry! Seth has officially become one of my chickens of which I am very happy about. I will at times give my unwanted advise and know he will listen quietly and give me my say. And then by damn he'd better do what I suggested or no home baked goods for him....just kidding. I am extremely happy for my wonderful daughter and new son-in-law Sethie. Love you both so much!

  3. Highlight of my day: finally logging onto Facebook and seeing that you have a blog now. I love it! I am very excited about this...

  4. Yeah for blogs. Welcome to the blogging world. Congrats on the recent marriage. You two make a cute couple and it sounds like you are both happy. Keep in touch - I'm not the best blogger - I mainly just post pictures, but our blog is

  5. Hooray! I've been waiting for you to start a blog. This is so great. Loves to you and Seth.
