Dec 17, 2009

Top 5 Christmas Movies

Don't you just love Christmas? One of the best parts about Christmas is sitting around watching movies you have seen at least 29 times - and still loving them. Another best part of Christmas is sitting around watching movies you have seen at least 29 times all while eating peppermint ice-cream.
We have discussed this...

I have decided to compile my list of top 5 Christmas movies. If you haven't seen these movies, consider yourself slapped upside the head - and make sure to see them. You have 8 days. 5 movies in 8 days - doable. Definitely. We'll start from the bottom.

#5 - A Christmas Story - No top 5 list can leave off this classic. What I love about this movie is the way that it makes me feel. As a kid I remember relating to the excitement of the boys so well. I love how it just embodies Christmas.

You all know it so well. This movie is comedy gold. The bunny suit - the leg lamp -

"Fragile - must be Italian."
I love the Bumpus' dogs.
I love the tire changing scene - "Oh....Fuddddgggeee. But I didn't say fudge."

Holy crap - so funny. Anyways - you get it. It has to be there. We can all recite it word for word. It's too good.

#4 - White Christmas - This one is classic. Bing Crosby opens the show singing "White Christmas" and instantly you are hooked. No voice better exemplifies Christmas music than Bing Crosby. It's true.
I love the impromptu song and dance routines. I love the impecable comedy by Danny Kaye. I love the freakishly annorexic looking Vera-Ellen.

I also love the rich voice of Rosemary Clooney. I also love watching Rosemary Clooney because #3 on my list looks just like his mother (see my love letter to Johnny post).

Above all, I REALLY love the "Sisters" routine. That is the best part of the show - hands down.

If you haven't seen it - come borrow it. You have to see it. It's delightful!

#3 - Love Actually - I can't believe how many people haven't seen this movie. This movie is such a wonderful Christmas movie.

The story follows about 6 different love stories - in London - during Christmas. It has a killer cast. The love stories are all so good and some of them are so real.

It is funny as hell "America, here comes Collin - And he's got a big knoooooooob!"

"We need Kate, and we need Leo, and we need them now."

"You learned English?" - "Just in cases."

It will also make you cry. Oh man - the scene with Emma Thompson crying during the Jonie Mitchell song? Ya - you'll cry.

Trust me on this one - if you haven't seen it - see it. It is just too good. Not only is it in my top 5 Christmas movies but it is in my top 5 romantic comedies as well.

#2 - Christmas Eve on Sesame Street - I have to admit, THIS was a tough choice. I really want to put it as #1 but I can't quite do it. To me, this movie is my childhood.

My family has watched this movie on Christmas Eve for as long as I remember. Even when my siblings had kids - we would put them to sleep and stay up as adults watching this movie.
The minute the jingle bells start playing at the first - it officially feels like Christmas. This was made in the 1970's which makes it even better. Check this out...

Look at the clothes! My family and I email each other quotes from the movie in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

"Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas. Ha! I hope their Christmas trees get termites!"

"Ernie? YOUR rubber ducky? Are you sure?"

Again - great comedy. Cookie Monster attempts to write a letter to Santa through the whole movie but ends up eating the pencil & paper, and the type writer. So he tries calling Santa instead - and the phone just looks too much like "cuppie cakes."

Mr. Hooper is still alive - Bert & Ernie still live together - Snuffleupagus is around. It's just too awesome. Again - see it. It's the perfect Christmas Eve movie.

#1 - Elf - Oh Elf. How I love thee. I saw this movie for the first time in 2004 with Britney & Sean. I literally laughed so hard I had tears coming down my cheeks. The upstairs neighbors were probably ready to kill me. I almost peed my pants. I don't know if I have ever laughed that hard in a movie. It is just that funny.

The entire movie is just pure genius. It's perfect for kids and perfect for adults. Will Ferrell is just too perfect. The story is wonderful.

"Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?"

"Is their sugar in syrup? Then YES!"

"SANNNNNTA! I know him!"

It makes me excited for Christmas. What more can I say?

"Bye Buddy, hope you find your dad!"
And with that - I wrap up the list. Some honorable mentions that nearly made it onto the list: It's A Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol and Christmas Vacation - all great but not worthy of the top 5.
Ok - 8 days and counting! I only have 2 of the 5 still to watch.


  1. BAH! I have got to get ON my Christmas-movie watching. I have recorded White Christmas, and am waiting for Matt to come home to watch Love Actually and Elf (and "A Christmas Story" is my Christmas Eve tradition) so I guess I... umm... just need to YouTube until I find Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. But I love your quotes "deeeear Saaaanta."

  2. I've seen all except the Sesame Street one -- but how could you leave off the Grinch (the original, of course -- Jim Carey freaks me out a bit)? It's short, it's full of heart-warming lessons, and they sing in a funky made-up language. How could you miss that one, my friend? :-D


  3. So which ones do you have yet to watch?

  4. ummmm.... never seen any of them except Elf. :) I know. You hate me. Any bets on Matt seeing all five of them? He's not home right now or else I'd ask.

  5. Krachel - the fact that you haven't seen A Christmas Story is mind boggling? Have you been living under a rock?!

    Britney - I need to watch Christmas Eve on Sesame Street and A Christmas Story still t his year.
