Nov 18, 2012

November 12th

November 12th fell on a Monday this month - which is the day a week I work from home.  Millie is busy busy busy!  And so much fun!

1. Good morning outside.  This is a daily tradition.  Every morning we go open the curtains together and say "Good morning outside! Good morning trees.  Good morning school.  Good morning cars. Good morning deck."  You get the idea.  We also do the same thing in the evening.

2.  Millie is quite the early riser, usually between 6:15-6:45 she is ready to rock and roll.  Seth usually gets up with her first and then brings her into bed with me at 7:00 when he needs to get ready for work.  Now it's no longer just making my bed. It's cleaning up the toys and making the bed.

3.  Working at home means I have to keep Millie preoccupied while I work.  Operation "lets play with the diaper bag" worked quite well for about 20 minutes.

4.  We took a break to fold some laundry.  Millie helped.  Kind of.

5. Finally dressed after her morning nap. It's just like dressing a doll.  How cute is this outfit!?

6. Today was her 9 month appointment at the doctor.  All is well!  She's still pretty tiny but she happily performed all of her animal noises for the doctor.  That mean nurse gave her a flu shot though and that was tragic.  I actually almost cried I was so sad for her.

7. After her nap I decided to take her swimming with Grandpa Youkstetter.  Here we are in our suits.

8. She loves being part of the Youkstetter Fraternity.  The boys adore her.

9. At home it was time for her bath.  We are lucky that she fits in the kitchen sink.  She has yet to take a bath in our tub.  This is the perfect size for her.

10. And of course she has to stand up no matter where she is.

11. Story time with Daddy.  This girl loves books more than anything! It's the only time we can get her to sit still.

12.  Dinner tonight was a new recipe experiment: roasted pork chop with creamy polenta and crispy green beans.  It was delicious!

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