Mar 13, 2012

March 12th

Yahoo! I actually remembered to do this on the right day! I thought when I was on maternity leave that I would have loads of time to blog. Sadly this hasn't been the case. I have some great blog ideas just waiting to be written so stay tuned.

I now present a day in my life on March 12, 2012.

1. My favorite time with Millie is first thing in the morning. She was very sleepy and I was trying to wake her up.

2. I love that she is finally getting some fat on her little bird legs.

3. Luckily I have discovered (thanks to my wise mom) that putting her bouncy chair on the counter when I am in the kitchen has a higher "stay in my chair without screaming" success rate than being on the floor.

4. Success rate leads to me being able to consume a decent breakfast every so often.

5. Nap time leads to me being able to get some stuff done. Case in point - sent out another 20 or so announcements today!

6. She's awake! Time for some tummy time.

7. Today we went on a long walk with Kathryne & Oscar. We stopped for awhile to introduce Millie to the Chatelains. Oscar was excited to put out a sleeping bag and pillow for Millie. She wasn't amused. Oscar informed me that Millie "isn't crying - she's laughing." Ha!

8. Thank goodness for daylight savings time. I love that it was 7:00 and still this light. Plus it was a gorgeous day. 65 degrees and crystal clear. I know this isn't the greatest picture but I never tire of the magnificence of Mount Olympus.

9. Monday night = girl's night! This usually begins with us consuming some Cafe Rio.

10. Girl's Night always includes really bad TV. Case in point: the finale of The Bachelor. Really Ben? You had to pick Courtney? This picture says it all!

11. Millie loves her Aunt Britney!

12. Finally, remember that you sometimes need to purchase flowers for yourself. Especially from Costco. They just brighten up the house. Happy Spring everyone!


  1. I love you, Becks!!!


  2. Well done, Becky. I watched The Bachelor finale while I was putting my 12 together. Yikes. I too love Costco flowers. There's absolutely nothing wrong with buying flowers for yourself.
