Jan 19, 2011

A Ghostly Tale

Important announcement: I have decided to no longer have a private blog. Private blogs are lame and I am convinced drastically reduced my readership. In return this has made me less willing to blog. As a result I have felt my creativity be reduced to something withered and small - like a raisin.

Wow - still not creative. My apologies.

Seeing that my husband no longer works with prisoners (rather just Xanax addicted patients) I figure the threat of me being murdered is once again low. I have decided to sell my gun (that's a lie) because I no longer need it (I don't have one).

So for those of you who may be new to my blog, and see yourself referenced in previous blogs (I'm looking at you KUER people, and don't tell Doug that I talked so highly of him) welcome! Not that I think KUER people would read by blog but you never know right?

It's back to an open blog for me. Glad to have all 10 of you back reading my blog. I know - I know - I missed you too.

Back to the theme - a ghostly tale.

Ever since I was a little girl I have seen ghosts. Well, this isn't entirely true. I am not sure if they are ghosts or rather just weird dreams. Throughout my life I have waken suddenly in the night to see someone standing next to my bed. Only once did it feel threatening.

I was in high school at the time. I woke up and saw a man standing at the foot of my bed leaning over me. I screamed bloody murder! Luckily my mom and Wally were still awake and able to come in my room and calm me down.

Another time, during my divorce, I believe I saw my great-grandmother. I always had a feeling that she was watching over me during that difficult time. One night I woke up and saw her kneeling next to my bed. I didn't scream. She was glowing in a way. She smiled, stood up, backed away from me and disappeared.

The rest of the time it has been random people. I can't recall many other than a little girl, about 3-5 years old with long blonde hair. She was standing next to my bed a couple years ago. Right by my face. I gasped and struggled - luckily Seth was with me at that time. He was able to calm me down but I think it really scared him too.

A couple of years ago I was with my brother Fer in San Francisco. We decided to go visit a psychic one night.

I can't remember everything she told me but one very clear thing. She asked me if I had a child, or sibling that died when I was young. I said no and she informed me that I had a little girl with me, a little girl about 3 years old.


I didn't tell her that I was working for Make-A-Wish at the time.

While I was still at Make-A-Wish we had some pretty odd "ghostly" things happen at our building. One night while working late I came out of my office to find a balloon drifting waist level right in front of my office door. It had somehow came untied from the centerpiece in the big room, drifted around the "wishing tower", down the hall and halted in front of my office. I stood there shocked for a moment before exclaiming, "Thank you!" to whatever child brought it to me as a gift.

We heard weird noises. Elevators would move on their own, music would turn on, we would hear voices, etc. While it was often unsettling, it wasn't ever scary to me. I never felt threatened. I just felt like there were children there that liked to play.

I do believe in ghosts. I am not sure I believe that they are "trapped on Earth" or anything like that. But I do believe they are all around us. After my grandpa died I was desperate to see him, to talk to him, to smell him or have some sense that he was around me. I stopped praying to God and found myself praying to Grandpa. I felt like he was closer to me and watching over me more than God. My cousin had a sweet dream after he passed away. In the dream my grandpa told her, "Being dead is like being in the next room. I am all around you." I believe this. I believe that there are children at the Make-A-Wish building because it was a beautiful place full of wonderful memories for them. I believe our loved ones are around us. I believe they watch over us.

Some of my old coworkers recently met with a "medium". When they asked him what the "activity around the building was like" right now he responded, "You have had a lot of employee turnover the last year. When one coworker in particular left, a lot of the children went with her."



I'm a believer. Another psychic told me that because the ghosts tend to startle me, that I need to kindly ask them to give me space.

Which I have. I happily spoke out loud in my bedroom one night, "Hi. I know some of you may be around me. If you are going to be around please don't startle me in the middle of the night. Give me a little big of space please."

I haven't been startled since.

So perhaps they are here. Maybe they have fond memories of us, or of the homes we live in, or of the buildings we work in. Maybe they are watching over us - like guardian angels?

I for one am happy to have them around.


  1. B that was awesome. I too believe those family members who have gone before us like to make sure we are OK and hang around for periods of time (when they aren't busy making rice pudding or golfing). I know Grandma Coon has been instrumental in the safety of Fer (who should have died several times in his lifetime). I as well ask for help from her and Dad more than I do God (he is too busy helping other "faithful" souls). I like to think family members who where closest to us feel an obligation to help us have a warm at peace feeling as much possible - especially when life deals us crap, crap, crap. Love you Grandma and Dad!

  2. Very sweet, although just the word "ghost" tends to get my heart rate up a bit ( I know, such a wuss). I like thinking you have a bunch of children running around you--that matches your happy personality!

    I have a request--any chance you would blog about the many culinary adventures of you and Seth? He probably told you, but I had to call for some cooking advice the other night. You guys are SUCH great cook!

  3. Thanks Jenna! Perhaps I will blog about that. Seth's the expert in our home. I usually just end up making really awful looking cupcakes. HA

  4. I have so many fond memories of those two great men with their even greater schnozes.
