Feb 15, 2010

My Valentine

Dear Sessie -

It's been nearly 6 months since we tied the knot. It's hard to imagine my life without you in it. I love being married to you. I love dreaming of our future together. I have loved building a home with you (finally!). I love that you are so opinionated about which drawer the tongs are in and that you hate the garbage cans NOT being under the sink. I love hearing the garage door open and knowing you will finally be around at night. I love cooking with you. I love having you teach me to cook- even if I get mad. I love falling asleep with you in a full spoon position and that I can actually sleep comfortably with you like that. I love how you wake me up to kisses and back tickles and full on conversations - even if it is at 5:30 am and not nearly time for me to wake up. I love exploring Boise with you, and having you tease me when I insist on driving and always take the wrong turns. I love that we finally both have money and can buy ridiculously large TVs. I love you for insisting I don't need to wear makeup, even though I don't listen to you. I love you for your high pitched laugh. I love you for your rock ballad singing and I love us for always making up stupid songs. I love your 2 minute messages and that you always say "Hey honey this is Seth" when you leave those messages (as if I don't know your voice after 5 years).

Mainly I love you for being so kind, and so loving. I love you for having more faith in me than I have in myself. I love us for making it through many tough times, and coming out stronger in the end. I love knowing we will have adorable Retardo Montalban children someday and I love how incredibly bright the future is for us.

You are my favorite person and I love you madly!

Love - me


  1. I love this valentine! It's so funny to me that Seth introduces himself when he leaves you voicemails. Good luck at your new job!

  2. I love that I got to read this post to your valentine. I love you both.

  3. I love you two together!! So sweet Becky! And FYI- I always thought it was wierd that he would say "this is Seth" when he left me a message too (as if anyone else I know rambles on for a 5 minute voice message, getting distracted in the middle because football is on). :)

  4. Aw, cute! I love you guys for spending Valentine's day with us! :)
