Feb 11, 2010

My Life As An Unemployed Girl

Week two of living in Boise is starting to wrap up. I think it finally feels real that I don't live in Salt Lake anymore. Boise is already feeling like home. However, life is weird. "Why?" you ask? Because I have no job. I am officially unemployed. Last week I worked remotely for Make-A-Wish, but not this week. Nope, this week I have been flying solo. I have never been unemployed. Well, not since my freshman year of college at USU. I tried to find a job in Logan but no luck. Not since 1999 though have I not had a job. Everyone keeps telling me to "enjoy" the time off. I guess I am? Kind of. I do well when I am busy. Right now....not so busy.

What is a typical day like in the life of me? Well, it's not that exciting. Here is a sample:

8:30 or 9:00 am - wake up. Open all 7 windows in my bedroom and cringe that once again, it is cloudy. I realize that this is winter but come on! The clouds make me think it is cold, so I make coffee and crawl back into bed.

For the next hour or two I usually play online. Check facebook, read blogs, update my message boards, check the weather (which I check more for Salt Lake still than I do for here. What?) When I say "check my email" I am lucky to have an email to respond to. This is another odd thing about being unemployed. You suddenly feel like no one cares that you exist. Except Timms - I usually have an email from her. But she knows what it is like to be in a new place and unemployed. And that is why she is my beefer.

11:00 - Go running! Yep! I am running again. Mind you, I can barely make it 4 miles without dying. I am just about 2 &1/2 months out from my half marathon so I need to get cracking! The best part of running right now, other than becoming a super hot wife (ha!) is exploring my neighborhood. Here in Boise I live in the Hyde Park neighborhood. It's cute, it is quaint, and it is quirky. Much like the Harvard/Yale area in Salt Lake. I love running and checking out all of the houses, parks, Subarus, etc.

12:00 - At this point in the day I finally shower. Tah- Dah! I know right? It's true. I shower and then find some time to eat some lunch. Because I have no friends here to eat lunch with, I choose to enjoy lunch with some of my very favorite girls: Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte & Miranda. They are so good to me, and always have fantastic stimulating conversations about men, men, and more men. It's good.It's like that episode in Season 6, when Carrie is living in France and sees 4 women having lunch together. She smiles, but it makes her sad. That's how it feels. It's good to see them, but it makes me miss my girls. Seth doesn't understand how I can watch this over and over and over again. Simply for this reason: It's comfortable to me. If I am stressed or anxious, I pop in Sex and the City and it makes me feel better.

2:00 - This is "errand" time. I try and spread out some errands so that I have a reason to get out of the house every day. Yesterday I went to the DI, Costco, Ross and Target. It took me 20 minutes prep time on my laptop to find locations, mapquest each location and create a route to get there. Lets just say I started at the DI and am happy I ended up at Target. Target as you all know holds a special place in my heart! I am getting to know my way around here though. The worst part is not knowing my directions. I don't have a little something called the Wasatch Mountains to orient myself. Dear Boise - please grow mountains - if only to help me learn North, South, East and West!
3:00 - After errands I spend time cleaning, or assembling, or decorating. Most of my house is put together. We have couches now (yeah!) and have purchased a lot of IKEA stuff. I mean - A LOT of IKEA stuff. Now don't get the idea that Seth and I are made of money. The end tables we bought were $7.99 each. Yes, as in seven dollars and ninety nine cents. I spend time doing laundry, cleaning up, re-arranging, cleaning my kitchen, etc. There is still a lot to do but it's coming along.
5:oo - Dinner time~! I love cooking in my new kitchen. Usually Seth isn't home until 6:00 or 7:00 so I have been trying to make dinner. I made enough lasagne to feed an army the other night (complete with garlic bread, a salad, and brownies). Of course, we had so much left over we had to freeze 1/2. Also, depending on the day, I may demand of Seth that we go out to dinner. Not working makes me feel cooped up very quickly. Plus Boise is so cute! I love all the restaurants downtown. One year, me, Seth, Britney, Sean and James all drove all the way to Boise just for dinner (I wish I had a pic of this on my computer!). It was a monumental and pointless vacation, but we decided at that point that we really loved Boise. This was 3 years ago maybe?

7:00 - Around this time I usually beg for Seth's help assembling furniture that is too difficult for me. We try and do a few more things around the house before I ask him to let me catch up on some of my shows. I have been watching nearly all my tv on Hulu lately. Which is fine, but man do I miss my boyfriend Tivo.

My favorite show right now is "The Bachelor". Girls I know you are watching it. WTF Vienna!? How is this happening? You look like a tranny with bad hair extensions and you have stupid little dog I want to drop kick! Here's hoping Reality Steve is lying!

10:30 - Bed time! Yep, we go to bed early now. Seth usually is up by 5:30 or 6:00 for work so he likes to go to bed early. We have started a thing with me reading Harry Potter to him every night. I like to do all the voices. I am no Jim Dale but i think I am pretty good. I hope that my kids want me to read to them....

So that's it. That's my life. For the most part I am really enjoying it. There are days though when I feel VERY depressed. Like I mentioned before, I have always considered my work as a big part of who I am. It's interesting not working and not contributing to society...

At least my house is cute - and I make lots of lasagne right?

This unemployed thing may be over. I am in the top 2 candidates for the job at the MS Society. I have a final phone interview tomorrow morning and should know by the afternoon if I got the job. If I do get it - i start work on Tuesday! Enjoying my time off may be very short lived.


  1. Becky, you sound like a stay at home mom! Rationing your errands so you can get out of the house every day, finally showering at noon, making dinner... Welcome, my dear. Welcome.

    P.S. I wish I could meet you for lunch.

  2. I was the same way when I was jobless - some days fine, some days depressed and feeling like I was contributing nothing to the world. I'm crossing my fingers for that MS Society job. Good luck!

  3. I just realized I never responded to this post... but I think you know anyway that I feel your pain.
