Jan 5, 2010

In 2010 I Resolve...

I love New Years. Not the holiday - cause New Years is pretty lame. BUT I do love starting fresh. I am the girl that can't start diets mid-weeek. I always have to start things fresh on Monday. That's why the new year is so great. It's the ultimate Monday for fresh starts. I have been known to stay up until 3:00 am on New Years just to make sure I write down my resolutions for the next day.

Now, I have totally relaxed on this but I still love to set some resolutions. So- I present to you my list for 2010. I may have kept some of these out - but you get the idea.

1. Complete a Triathlon! Dude, I can totally do this. I can run (maybe not well but I can run - I have done a marathon afterall). I can bike (new favorite thing) but I can't swim all that well. Luckily I have an awesome swimmer for a husband. Seth will totally help me out so I don't feel like I am going to die. This will be fun to train for. I know that biking totally helps my running. I am going to be a "Hot, fit wife". In fact, I think I'll look at lot like this girl, don't you?

It's true. Plus - I need to follow in my Rock Star Sister's footsteps.

2. Yoga Weekly - I started going to yoga once or twice a week back in 2007 and I have loved it. Lately I have slacked and I have started to feel it. My headaches are back. My stiff neck is around...I am short of breath. You get the idea. So - back to weekly yoga. Check! I can do that. If only I could do awesome poses like this...

Sigh, maybe someday.

3. Run a 1/2 marathon - I have decided that a 1/2 marathon is the perfect amount of training for a runner. An actual marathon is too hard on the body. My knees went to shit when I ran the marathon. But - a half marathon is doable. 13.1 miles - no worries. Last time I was training I got pneumonia and obviously had to stop running. Seth ran the 1/2 and I cried watching the runners cross the finish line. It's time to get back on the bandwagon. So this year I am going to do another 1/2 marathon. If I can get up to 7 miles training I know I'll make it. I am running about 4 miles right now. This I can do. Signing up for races helps keep me motivated.

Even though I look like this after I am done -

And Meili looks like this when she finishes -

Ha ha ha! Sorry Meili I had to do it. It IS totally worth it though. That's why I have a love/hate relationship with running.

4. Eat More Whole Foods - In case you don't know this about me - I love food. Yes I do. However the last few months I have eaten way too much processed food. I miss fresh food! I hate how I feel after I eat a large fattening meal. So this year I am going to eat more whole foods. I realize this will be expensive and will mean shopping at places like "Whole Foods" (imagine that!?). Seth & I have agreed to stay away from food with partially hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup. This is more difficult right now because we don't really buy the groceries. But when we live on our own this will be a shopping rule. This is not going to be easy. Some of my favorite things have both of these ingredients. But - gotta do what I gotta do.

5. Watch Gossip - moving on from the "health portion" of my resolutions. I need to watch my gossip. Especially at work. It is easy to start complaining. It is easy to nitpick. I don't like when I get sucked into it. I don't like wondering and knowing that people are gossiping about me. So I am going to really try and watch this. Enough said. I'll be happier. I know I will.

6. Be More Giving - I am so lucky. I have a wonderful husband. I have a beautiful home, more clothes than I will ever need, and so much food that I complain about being fat. Wow. Sometimes I just need keep some perspective. I want to focus on giving year round - not just during the holidays. I want to give money to homeless people on the street without passing judgement. I want to give my time to those that need it. I want to be giving to my friends. Seth and I will be in a good position soon and there is no reason we shouldn't give more of ourselves. Now this resolution is harder to quantify, but I think it's important that it is there.

7. Visit a foreign country - This is actually a life goal. I want to visit a foreign country every year of my life. It doesn't need to be Europe or Asia. It can be somewhere in Canada. I just want to see the world. In my "pefect life" I would go to Prague this year. Oh man look at it!! I am dying to go here. Seth...you in!?

8. Be more confident in "me" - I struggle with this. I want to be confident. I honestly feel like most of the time I am pretty confident. But I need to be comfortable with ME and not the "me with these resolutions". I am never going to be that stick skinny girl...I will always have more curves and muscles. And that's ok. That is still sexy - I need to believe this. I am quirky. I am opinionated. I am anxious and I have my OCD. But all of these things make me...ME. I am not sure how to accomplish this but I am going to work on being more comfortable in my own skin. Even it means I make faces like this.

So - if you hear me putting myself down - please stop me. I promise to return the favor.
Ok - so that's it. Well, at least that is what I am listing on my blog. I put it out to you to keep me accountable blog readers. I also challenge you to think of some ways in which you will improve yourself for 2010. It's daunting in a way - but exciting. Horray for 2010. I am excited to see what you bring me.


  1. Nice to see you on my blog earlier today. I was actually thinking about you just a couple of days ago so - perfect timing. And, I was thinking about Italian Village just this morning...mmm. I miss that place. Congrats on getting married and good luck with the resolutions. My New Years resolution is basically to try to be more awesome this year. :)

  2. I am so glad we will forever have The Village to bond us.

    Not sure you can make that resolution - I have to say - cause I think you are awesome. :)

  3. Becky, I love this. I have to say that in years past, I have been anti-resolution. We talked about this over lunch. But I do have a couple this year and I'm motivated to really work on them. The first is training for the WBR. The second is a secret. Maybe I'll tell you next time we do lunch.

  4. Your exercise resolutions are way better than mine. I like how I didn't set a specific goal. Probably because I was pretty sure I couldn't accomplish it. Ah, such is life.

  5. Hey, those are great. The triathlon is a must. I did one last fall and it was definately my favorite race that I have done. If you want to train together (wait, do you still live here?) or sign up for one of the ones that I am doing let me know. I think I am doing Bear Lake Brawl and Lake Powell this year...

  6. Hey! I still live here but probably not for long. I am thinking of doing one up in Boise if that is where I end up moving.

    You are a total stud Molly. I saw the pics on your blog from your tri. Nice!!

  7. dear becky's blog... i like your resolutions. And I see you have no resolution to blog more, and that saddens me. What makes me happy, however, is that you have goals for yourself. My goals include not eating cake for breakfast more than one day a week. I hope I can accomplish it.


  8. Becky! So glad I could invite you to my blog so I could see what yours is! I'm officially putting you as one of my people on the sidebar. You cool with dat, girl? Seth seems like a hunka hunka and you look so happy. Please tell Heath I love her and I miss you both and those good ol' times at CBHI! Love you, chica.
