Aug 23, 2012

August 12th

I am so happy that the 12th of August fell on our one vacation of the year.  At least it gives a bit of variety to my usual 12 pictures!

1. Good morning Sun Valley!  Every year we take a week-long vacation with the Youkstetter family.  It's very relaxing and easy-going.  Millie's cousins were thrilled to play with and hold her.

2. I am so thrilled that Millie has a cousin her age.  I loved watching them play together on the mat.  And by play I mean "grab each other's faces"

3. Every now and then I take lots of pictures of Millie when she is so animated in the mornings.  Every now and then I get a gem.  Maybe my favorite picture of her yet.  What a face!

4. Little Oscar is so creative.  It was fun to see him play in the mornings.  It's also fun to see Kathryne and Jeremy try their best to encourage and help him with his imagination.  One morning Jeremy was looking everywhere for a paper plate because Oscar asked him to make him a Captain America shield.  Love him.

5. Drex is the family clown.  He is so hilarious.  Millie was down in our room sleeping and he ran over to the monitor to say "WAKE UP MILLIE!" into it. Ha!

6. After nap it was time for a little fun in the sun. Millie looking quite adorable in her suit!

7. Harvey looking quite dashing in his hat!

8. Momma enjoying 10 minutes of quiet and soaking in some vitamin D.

9. Nathan is the oldest nephew in the family.  And one of my favorite people in the world.  I had to get a picture of his t-shirt. Makes me proud.

10.  We forgot to bring any bibs for Millie (our packing list was unbelievable!) so when we fed her we had to strip her down.  She always had lots of attention from her aunts.

11.  Time spent outside was significantly less than last year - too much smoke from all of the wildfires.  However we did get a few walks in.  Millie doesn't look too thrilled about it.

12. Bedtime stories with Daddy.

It was a great family vacation!

I'm going to be crazy and add a 13th picture - that wasn't even taken that day.  What!?

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