Apr 16, 2012

April 12th

I had a hard time coming up with 12 pictures today. It was a rainy and dreary day. I was working all day and really there are only so many exciting pictures to take of me at work. As I expected the majority of my pictures are Millie based. I find her to be adorable so maybe you will too.

1. Morning bottle with Dad. I miss feeding her every morning but she isn't always awake before I leave. Today she woke up just as I was heading out the door. Feeding her is such a special time for me (unless it's 3:00am) so I am glad that Seth at least gets to share in this opportunity when he can.

2. Back to work. I have decided to put a picture of a cow on my door for when I am pumping at work. I find this to be hilarious. I think everyone else just thinks I am weird. At least they know not to knock when they see the sign up- and hear the tones of the pump which I think sounds a lot like Scooby-Doo saying 'Ruh roh!"

3. If I am not with the two greatest people all day at least I can stare at them whenever I want to. What a handsome husband I have!

4. Yesterday was a sad day - Millie's 2 month doctor appointment. She had to receive 3 separate shots. Baby girl only cried for about 20 seconds and then smiled at us.

5. This girl LOVES her changing table. It's kind of odd but she is often happiest when sitting on her table. So alert and so cute.

6. So cute I have to kiss and kiss her.

7-9: See I am short on pictures but I LOVE this sequence of "dancing with Daddy!" I thought for sure we were going to hear her first giggle. Close but not quite.

10. All tuckered out - now she needed some snuggle time with Mom. Seriously this is my favorite thing in the world.

11. And she is in bed - this is early for her but we loved it! Sure we had to go in 30 minutes later to soothe her - but she was in bed at 7:23!

12. This leaves room for Mom and Dad to enjoy a little Harry Potter Lego (which we haven't played since she was born) and some delicious cookies which we nearly consumed that night.


  1. I love the cow- you are hilarious!
    Motherhood suites you, you look so beautiful holding your sweet little Millie. Congratulations!

    1. Wish I could spell- meant to say *suits (I think? Cause now it looks funny to me! Oh well, you get what I mean.) :)

  2. Love these pictures. Millie is getting so big and is such a cute baby. I laughed pretty hard at the cow picture - there is nothing like pumping. It was great seeing you the other day.

  3. The Cow picture. Brilliant! I'm so happy for you. Millie is adorable. Congrats!

  4. Lily loves her changing table too - she has a mirror on it so she is always grabbing at the baby in the mirror - very cute pics
