Oct 9, 2011

It's Officially Time to Panic

This week I will officially be 6 months pregnant. 6 months! That's my "holy crap this is real" marker. Overall I am feeling great. I'm definitely showing - showing to the point that strangers can look at me and figure out I am pregnant. Showing to the point that I can't really comfortably zip up my jackets and coats.

I really feel like I have started to pop the last 3 weeks or so. So much in fact that my normally huge "inny" belly-button is starting to turn into an "outy" belly- button. Trust me, I never thought this would happen. But it has and I think it's hilarious. It's getting harder to bend over and do things I am used to doing like painting my toenails. And my normal sleeping requires 2 pillow and a body pillow. This has now increased to 3 pillows and a body pillow. Seth barely has room in the bed anymore. I feel Millie moving all the time now. Seth can't really feel it but I now recognize the movements. Oh and I can't stop craving sugar. I had not one but two carmel doughnuts from Leslie's Bakery last night (man if I had another here I would totally be eating it right now). I have always liked sugar but I'll tell you what - pickles and popcorn are not nearly as appealing now. I just want cookies, candy, freaking chocolate chips (if that's all you have in your house - which is totally my situation right now). I was talking to a coworker and he asked me what I was craving. I told him sugar. He said, "Huh. Alice craved celery."

Why can't I be more like Alice?

I kinda hate Alice (I don't even know her)

Being pregnant brings out really funny behaviors in other people. A few weeks ago I ran into an old Make-A-Wish volunteer at Cafe Rio. He is about my age, single and well - not the smartest guy in the world. But nice. Awkward but nice in general. We weren't ever close when he was a volunteer, like I was with many others. He was more of an acquaintance. Anyway a few weeks ago I did have a small belly but nothing like I have now. I haven't seen this volunteer in 2-3 years. He didn't hesitate to walk up to me, give me a side hug and then proceed to put his hand on my stomach and say, "I see you are with child."

Um. First, yes, I am with child but pretty ballsy at this point to say it outright. I mean, even when women are noticeably pregnant I worry about asking if they are pregnant. You just never know. Second, wow really? You had to touch me like that? Ha. I mean I know lots of people are going to touch me and for the most part I don't care. However if I barely know you please don't touch me without asking. That's just weird. When was the last time you walked up to a relative stranger and touched their stomach without asking? Unless that person is Santa you probably haven't done it.

The fact that I am at my 6 month mark has really made me anxious. I feel like Seth and I still have so much to do to get ready for this baby. Our house feels like we are in a constant state of construction. Ok it doesn't just feel like it, we ARE in a constant state of construction. The baby room is being insulated and is covered in 3 inches of insulation and dust. The workers didn't put down tarps on our carpet. Who does that!? I still have no bathroom upstairs and have to share the bathroom with our friend Steve who is now living in the basement. I have this huge need to "nest" but that really just turns into me dusting, vacuuming, and mopping my house 2 times a week because of all the construction dust. Even if I had the baby's room empty and ready to go I am nervous about picking the crib. What if I pick one that isn't safe? I am nervous about picking the right stroller, car seats, high chairs, etc. I just want to take a big nap and have someone else tell me what I should get.

I feel a bit like Miranda in Sex and the City, "Why do we need a Crib World? Why can't there just be one great crib that is the best and you can have it delivered and set up?" I totally feel that way. My taste is far too expensive. I mean this is the rocker I want for crying out loud. We can't afford it.

It's funny because I actually feel not that nervous about the baby arriving. I think Seth and I will be pretty good at taking care of Millie. I've always been a baby person. I have always been comfortable with babies. They don't scare me. I can't wait to have her here. I dream about her nearly every night and I'm always a bit sad when I wake up and she's not here. I am just scared of having everything I need once Millie makes her grand entrance.

Speaking of grand entrances - labor is starting to scare me. I really want to have her naturally. I think I can do it but man am I nervous! I guess it's time to start looking into birthing classes. (note to self: add this to my loooooong to-do list). Oh wait, if you look closely you will see it's already on the list. Pick a list - any list!

So is this much panic normal? Is this feeling of being totally overwhelmed normal? I know that the last 2-3 weeks have been chaos with the KUER Fund Drive, 2 surprise birthday parties for my mom and dad, construction, etc. I just feel like I am going to cry. Oh and I want to sleep all the time. It's 8:45 pm and I am excited for the 9:00 hour to roll around so that I can have a reasonable excuse to go to sleep.

On a lighter note - fall has arrived! I am so happy. My pumpkin candle is nearly always lit. Tonight we had home-made chicken noodle soup and acorn squash. I can wear my maternity clothes that I bought for fall. Fall is good. This makes me happy. This keeps me going when I feel like I am going to cry.

Oh brother....


  1. Becky, you are awesome! The amount of consumer goods has always been what scares me most about having children. Loving that glider, though!

  2. Reality..you will never be 100% ready! But it's okay! Lily just turned 2 and I still don't know what I am doing. My thoughts on your questions, 1)Get a comfy rocking chair. You will be in it a lot 2) If someone touches your stomach without asking, touch theirs right back and make a smart remark back (I totally would do this!hehehe)3) You will do great! All she will need is food, sleep, and love (and diaper changes)! 4) Don't worry about having everything before hand. Lily's nursery wasn't finished before she was born and in the end it didn't matter 5) Don't invest in a lot of newborn clothes, she will outgrown them fast 6) definitely get swaddle blankets, they are a life saver! 7) In the end, most strollers are all alike except for the $$, I stressed like crazy about it cause I wanted the perfect one, ended up on bed rest without one, got one a week after she was born at Target. Worked fine. All the stress was lame!
