Oct 23, 2009

Things I Am Hating Right Now

Ok, I warned you. I can only have positive posts for so long before I delve right into things I am hating right now. I have to admit, this was harder than the things I am loving list. Who knew!? Maybe I am full of sunshine and giggles afterall.

1. Being In Limbo - This trumps all the things I hate right now. I hate being in limbo. I hate not knowing where Seth and I will be living in a month. We could still be here in SLC...which has its good and bad things (aka, awesome Make-A-Wish job, family and friends close by, etc). OR we could be in Corvallis, Tacoma, nowhere'sville Montana, etc. We just don't know. And I hate it. I hate that we are newly weds living in our parent's basement. Not that my Mom & Wally haven't been total saints and incredibly sweet to us, because they have. We just want our own place. We want our own kitchen (with our awesome new dishes and other wedding gifts!) We want our awesome memory foam bed. We want to start our lives and right now we totally feel like we are on hold.

Dear Job Market - you suck. We know you have the perfect job out there for Seth. Please help us find you. Sincerely - Becky & Seth.

2. Poor Grammar - Oh man, where to start. This is driving me up the wall. The following are examples of things I have seen/heard recently that make me want to punch someone!
  • I seen him over there.

  • Your so nice!

  • Oh that looks real good.

  • He did good, I don't feel good, etc.

  • You are to nice.

Need I go on? People, I am going to continue correcting you. Because when you say stuff like that, it makes me think that you should look like this guy....

And no one, I repeat, NO ONE wants that.

3. Dark Mornings - Is it daylight savings time yet? Seriously. When my alarm goes off around 7:00ish (depending the morning) and it is still dark, it sucks. It makes it nearly impossible to get out of bed (until I remember that I have peppermint creamer). Now I know that the "change" will mean dark at like 5:00 at night, but whatever. I don't care. I can go home, eat soup, watch Glee, maybe clean out some pumpkins and sit by the fire. Just give me some light in the morning. Please! Ps-how awesome is the picture below? Obviously the hand of God is in daylight savings. And I love it.
4. Bluetooths - Do you want to look like a douch bag? If the answer is "yes", then wear a blue tooth. If the answer is "no" then, well don't use one. Seth and I spent 20 minutes at the airport making fun of "bluetooth guy". You know exactly who I mean right? The guy in first class that is acting all important, talking much too loudly on his bluetooth.... "Well, my stock option is looking much better, I made millions...yadda yadda yadda" (please read in Seth's "rich man voice". Guys, just don't do it. The only time...and I repeat ONLY TIME that a bluetooth is ok, is while you are driving. In any other case you look like 1. A total douche 2. like you are crazy and talking to yourself and 3. a total douche.

Don't tell me I didn't warn you. I am saying this out of love. The end.

5. Big Trucks - Things that I hate #4 and #5 are often seen together. People, I hate big trucks with a hate that is pure and true. I hate the white-collar workers that you see driving to work in their ridiculously large trucks. For one thing you look like an asshole, for the second thing, you are hurting the environment, and finally, you make everyone think that you should be wearing a bluetooth. Unless you are a construction worker, landscape worker, painter, etc...please don't drive a big ass truck. In fact, when I see people driving them I always say something mean in response. Now, I realize they may be really nice people driving them, but I still will make a rude comment. Always. Here is a picture of an actual truck I saw in New Orleans...

And another one that I had to deliver a "gift" to.

I know, I am a crazy liberal. But don't even get me started on Hummers.

6. No Timms - Sarah Elizabeth Timm Thompson moved this week to Georgia. This does not please me. She and I have been friends since sophomore year when we would sing Les Miserable duets while running around the track. We lived in the same dorm, she lived with me while Jason & I were seperated, and we JUST lived together before we both got married. Now I know we'll stay in touch but I am still depresssed. Boo! That is all. This is how sad we were the night that we said goodbye. I mean, that is SAD!

7. Glenn Beck -

Please do not listen to him, watch him, or read this book. There is no need to say more.

8. Not Sleeping - I haven't been sleeping well. I think this is a result from the above 7 things on my list. But I also think it has to do with the FULL sized bed Seth and I are sleeping in. A full sized bed is just TOO small. It is. Also, Seth doesn't like to sleep in sheets so we have been sleeping with 2 seperate blankets. I get all twisted in my blanket and it doesn't work. Oh and when Seth turns over I swear he jumps 2 feet into the air and flips over like a pancake. The sleeping thing just isn't working for us. I miss our memory foam matress that is currently being held ransom in our storage unit. This could easily be remedied if we could solve #1 on my list.

The less sleep I get, the longer this list gets. Just sayin...

9. Lack of Money - While we are in limbo and therefore we don't have much money. I know how fortunate we are. We aren't hungry, we have a warm bed (although a small one), we have cars and clothes on our back, etc. BUT I really love shopping for fall clothes. I do, it's true. I look forward to it every year. You know, new jeans, warm sweaters, cute tights, scarves and cute coats! I can't spend money right now because I am supporting Seth and I. Which I am happy to do being a good wife, and I know Seth hates this limbo thing as much as I do. But it certainly is taking some getting used to! I mean, look at the cute outfits I could be purchasing.

10. Draper - I went to Zupas last week (which is a good restaurant) and was shocked at the Draper women. Wow, I have decided that the further south you drive in the Salt Lake valley the bigger the hair gets, the bigger the cars get (grrrrrrrr), the more makeup I see, and the more sparkly the clothing becomes. It was a strange thing. I am still scratching my head. Wow, it's like a crazy group of cloned women hit Draper by storm. From now on, if I eat at Zupas I will not be venturing to 12300 S. but will go to the Old Mill location, just to be safe. I don't want to be sucked into becoming one of them. I wanted to take a picture, I really did. This will have to suffice. You know exactly what I am talking about.

Ok, thus ends the list. I apologize for offending some of you. But I have to say, this was really therapeutic!


  1. Becky, you are hilarious. I know exactly what you are talking about with the Draper women. Only you left out their ridiculously large boob jobs. (Obviously I'm not against big boobs, just big fake ones.) And I think older women can be fantastically classy and beautiful without raiding their teenage daughters closets.

    Whenever I get frusturated by the common newly-wed woes I remember: I am in love and one day we will look back on this as the best time of our lives... :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Becky I found your blog through Sarah's I saw your little picture on there. I am so I glad I did. It's fun to read I am glad things are going well with you. Congrats on your recent wedding! Your pictures are so cute!

  4. Things I am hating right now: not having Becky and Seth in my life!

  5. (Feeling guilty: edited version of my comment)

    Okay, this is one of my top favorite posts of all time (and makes me super glad you joined the blog world). This post is so spectacular that I have to give a numbered comment:

    1.Being in limbo - essentially my life while I job hunted for months. And months. And months. It sucks beyond compare (or at least it feels like it). I hated not feeling like I could commit to anything because "what if I committed and something better came along?" And then I hated not being able to commit to anything because I was looking for a job in the suckiest job market ever, and there weren't even options to commit to. I feel ya on this one.

    2. Poor grammar - this one hits a nerve. Okay, mistaking "your" for "you're" is my biggest pet peeve IN THE WORLD. It literally makes my skin crawl when I see a party invitation that says "Your invited" or when cheerleaders at my high school would write "Your awesome" on the windows of cars. I can't stand bad spelling or bad grammar. And I don't understand what is so complicated about it that people just don't get it. I think it's directly correlated to parents raising their kids with too much TV and absolutely no books.

    3. Dark mornings - Eh, I could go either way on this one. Depends on the day.


4. Bluetooths - I am officially a douche. Only a small one though thanks to my hands-free driving excuse.


5. Big trucks - Oh, if only you knew my whole history with the ex-mish. Every man in that family has a huge truck, and every little boy is raised to grow up and want a big truck. Compensating, are we?


6. No Timms - I don't know her. But she seems awesome. I could get on board with this one.

    7. Glenn Beck - can I add a handful of other names to number 7 too?

    8. Not sleeping - I have a comfy cozy bed, so I don't have a huge problem here, but I do wish I got more sleep. I miss out because I wake up half an hour earlier than needed so I can mess around on the computer before Danny wakes up. It adds up by the end of the week. Another reason I love weekends.

    9. Lack of money - When I quit working last December, we had to live on the strictest budget. I'm glad we did, but I hated it (and even though we don't have to be quite as strict now, we still try to be so we can get rid of car loans and things like that). I pretty much lived vicariously through my sister's closet. Luckily she buys clothes like there's no tomorrow, so I would always borrow her stuff and feel like I could wear something new. It sucks to budget. Why can't we just have unlimited money? Is it too much to ask for?

    10. Draper - This one just makes me laugh because Ryan (you know Danny's cousin Ryan? The one with the spiky hair?) and his ex-wife lived in Draper before they split up, and she looked EXACTLY like that. Of course, now Ryan lives downtown, and he still manages to find girls who look like that.


Longest comment I've ever left on a blog.



  6. I love you. and i hate big trucks, big hair, train lights (where was THIS on your list, Avery?), being in limbo, someone not having a job, Glenn Beck, dark mornings, mis-spelling of my name (becks... come on) and not being there.

    we do look ridiculously pathetic in that picture.

    Also, I think Jenny's post was the longest ever. on anyone's blog.
