Oct 16, 2009

A Morning With Seth

Good morning blog readers. I want to tell you about my morning with Seth. 7:30 am, the alarm goes off. We both get up to start our day. For those of you who know Seth well, you know that he loves to sing.


No matter what time of day....

Or if my mother is sleeping right above him....

And he often sings horribly cheesy songs....

He sings in the car (and doesn't stop at traffic lights like I d0). Not just sings, rocks out. He plays the drums on the steering wheel, dances and uses hand motions (see below).

He sings while running, he sings in the shower, he would sing during PA school....he just LOVES to sing.

So this morning he starts singing this super awesome (and by awesome I mean terrible) song by Glenn Mederios. It's a high song, and Seth was NOT holding back.

You may think you have no idea who this is, but you do. Glenn sings that really great song "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You."

If you don't know the song...please click this link.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLxTEV5vpyg

I really need to figure out how to imbed videos into my blog because you all need to see this video, it will change your life.

Back to the story...Seth starts singing this song. But the lyrics didn't seem quite right to me. Seth was singing, "Nothing's gonna change my love for you. I wanna tell the world how much I love you."

The following conversation then took place.

Me: Babe, not only is that song horrible but those are NOT the lyrics.

Seth: What!? Yes they are!

Me: Oh no, I am pretty sure they are not.

Seth: Well what do you think they are?

Me: "Nothings gonna change my love for you....yadda yadda yadda how much I love you"

Seth: You don't even know the lyrics! At least mine make sense!

Me: Well I don't know what they are, but I know what you are singing isn't right.

Seth: Wanna bet?

Me: Yes...go look it up and we'll see who is right.

(bet takes place...I won't discuss the terms here)

I continue getting ready while Seth gets online to discover that he was WRONG and that the lyrics are in fact:

"Nothing's gonna change my love for you. You oughtta know by now how much I love you."

HA! Victory! I win!!!!

So then I start singing more of the song (cause I totally think I know it) and sing,

"One thing I can be sure of, I'll never last the morning with your love."


That doesn't make any sense....

Which Seth quickly points out to me......

The lyrics are in fact "One thing you can be sure of, I'll never ask for more than your love."

So the moral of the story is....

80s love songs are awesome....

And Seth and I really don't know the lyrics to the songs we are excited to sing.


  1. Gotta love Seth's falsetto.
    Great song! The video totally rocks...thank you for sharing.

  2. What is going on with your hair in that last photo?
