Dec 14, 2009

I Thought It Was A Good Idea

Our wedding was in August. Seth chose the colors - bright green and bright orange. I was skeptical at first - but it turned out to be a very cute thing. Check out my adorable bridesmaids for proof.

One piece of decor that we had were these green moss balls that we tied with orange ribbon and hung from the banister leading up to the front door. Here's the only picture I could find of them ... not the best picture I know.

My beefer Sarah used them for her wedding and tied purple ribbon on them. She then sold them to me and I sold them after my wedding at my yard sale. I haven't thought of them since.

Skip forward with me now 4 months to last night. Last night was our annual Make-A-Wish Christmas party. Part of the party involves a white elephant exchange. Our work gets pretty into this. I brought an awesome Christmas vest that was my mother's. For some odd reason this didn't sell at my yard sale - so I took it and kept it specifically for last night. And it was awesome. Katherine was obviously excited to receive this beauty.

Last night when we arrived at the party my boss' husband John was really bragging about his white elephant. In fact, he and Frank made bets on who had the better white elephant. Then - Katherine's husband got in and claimed HIS was indeed the best. $15 was riding on whose gift trumped the others. We were going to put it to popular vote.

So, about half way through our white - elephant exchange John's gift was opened. Lo-and-behold a moss ball from my wedding was unwrapped...complete with a picture of me (from the Make-A-Wish website ... see below...) tied to it.

Everyone immediately recognized it and started laughing hysterically. Apparently John saw it at the wedding and stole it on his way home from the reception. He didn't understand why I would have a fuzzy green BALL hanging at my wedding. John obviously thought it was a terrible idea. AKA- the decoration was a BAD idea.

To make matters worse - I ended up with my damn moss ball. John won the popular vote as the best gift. It trumped Frank's "Bless Our Pad" framed 1960's cross stitch - and beating out Dennis' addict package.

However - I got the last laugh. Before leaving I tied the moss ball to Chriss & John's shower head in the guest bathroom. It may be months before discovering it is still there. I can't wait for their "guest" to ask why a mossy green ball with a girl's picture tied to it - is gracing their shower.


Sometimes - my ideas turn out to be bad ideas - but make for a good laugh.

1 comment:

  1. It was indeed... my favorite part of the night. Great gift!
